Sunday Biblical Sermons

Going Beyond Mere Words of the Church: Embodying Selflessness through Tangible Actions

Believers willingly sold their possessions to care for the needs of others, embodying the essence of selfless love. As the Christian community, we are called to reflect on this powerful demonstration of selflessness and discover how we can practically meet the needs of those around us…read more

Going Beyond Mere Words of the Church: Embodying Selflessness through Tangible Actions

The Church Selflessness in Action: Embracing Conservative Views on Meeting the Needs of Others

The sacrificial spirit exhibited by the believers of that time, who willingly divested themselves of their possessions to provide for the needs of their fellow brethren, shines as a timeless beacon of selflessness… read more

The Church Selflessness in Action: Embracing Conservative Views on Meeting the Needs of Others

A Church of Servanthood: Emulating the Early Church’s Selfless Love

In a world often driven by self-centeredness and materialism, we are called to rediscover the essence of being a church of servanthood. Acts 4:32-35 presents an inspiring image of believers willingly selling their possessions… read more

A Church of Servanthood: Emulating the Early Church’s Selfless Love

The Importance of Giving and Supporting the Local Christian Church

The Christian church holds a significant place in the lives of millions of people around the world. As an essential pillar of society, the local Christian church plays a crucial role in promoting spiritual growth… read more

The Importance of Giving and Supporting the Local Christian Church

The Conservative Christian View Towards the Belief in Prayer: A Powerful and Transformative Practice

Prayer holds a central place in the lives of conservative Christians, the church, and the Body of Christ serving as a profound and transformative practice that fosters a deeper connection with God… read more

The Conservative Christian View Towards the Belief in Prayer: A Powerful and Transformative Practice

The Unchanging Nature of God: A Pillar of Hope in a Changing World

As Christians, we believe in the unchanging nature of God, a foundational truth that brings stability, comfort, and assurance in a world marked by uncertainty and constant flux… read more

The Unchanging Nature of God: A Pillar of Hope in a Changing World

The Timeless Relevance of the Bible: A Christian Perspective on its Enduring Message

It is essential for us to examine this topic with an open heart and mind, seeking to understand how the Bible’s messages transcend time and remain applicable to our lives today… read more

The Timeless Relevance of the Bible: A Christian Perspective on its Enduring Message

The Blessings of Walking a Christian Life with Christ

Let us sit together and explore the abundant blessings that come from walking with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we are called to a transformative journey… read more

The Blessings of Walking a Christian Life with Christ

Conservative Evangelical Statement of Faith: Our Beliefs as a Christian Church

At we wholeheartedly embrace the following statement of faith, grounded in the authoritative and infallible Word of God, the Holy Bible. Our beliefs serve as the foundation of our community… read more

Conservative Evangelical Statement of Faith: Our Beliefs as a Christian Church

Conservative Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew chapters 5-7, is one of the most renowned and influential teachings of Jesus Christ. It covers various aspects of Christian ethics and morality… read more

Conservative Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount

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